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Thursday, January 27, 2011

The “holier-than-thou” man with his pessimistic shoes

27th January 2011
Written by May Ling
Edited by Sabine

I’m thinking… I’m thinking… I’m thinking… Still thinking… you know what? It’s damn hard to start a freaking opening for a write up! I had never given a thought that I would be writing about this but a noob writer should never ignore a hunch. Ignore that. It’s just a theory I just came up with but hey, I have been sticking with this theory for my entire life and I like it.

All above are just craps. The story is just about to start and no worries, it is damn short.

I tried to see the beauty in everything and I get it, not everyone sees the beauty in everything. Then I began to question myself, why can’t he just see the beauty in all things, or at least some. Why? I tried to wave to him but there was no respond. And that’s when the answer strikes me. It’s not because he is stupid or smart, but because he is blind, too blind. Blinded by those pessimistic thoughts of his and NOT FORGETTING, his “holier-than-thou” beliefs. No wonder he is so blind. And then I wonder, if he is that blind, is it possible that he is that deaf too? Thus I whisper, scream and shout and yet, no words seem to be able to reach him. So my guess was right. He is too deaf to hear the beautiful voice in all things.

Despite these, there he is, knocking door to door, screaming for our attention to help him, when he himself, didn’t even realise that he is too blind and deaf to see or hear that we had try our best to give him what he wanted. All because he is the “holier-than-thou” man with his pessimistic shoes.

----------------------- END ----------------------

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Festival Mood

26th January 2011
By May Ling

“Chinese New Year is coming soon!”

Whenever this thought came across my mind, it is always accompanied by a smile and a sudden change of mood in me, especially when I’m not in a good mood. It makes me wonder all the time, why? What’s so big deal about this?

Like now, Chinese New Year is coming soon, technically in a week or so. There are all these post related to Chinese New Year. Whenever I come across it, and by that I mean the blissful ones, I can feel the mood changing in me.

The thing is, it’s not just about Chinese New Year. Any festival will do the trick. Every time when there’s a festival, they will come to me just like this, the exact same way. There are times when I’m all hype. And there are times, all of the sudden everything doesn’t matter to me anymore. All I can think of is smiling and talk about happy stuff or maybe play a prank on my close friends and laugh about the prank together. And don’t worry, the pranks are harmless and even the “pranked” laughed with us.

So it keeps me thinking, why? And all I could think of is must be the holiday and shopping. Nah, I doubt that is the answers. Maybe it’s how people celebrate it all the time. Family gathering and reunion of friends. You can see all those cheerful faces wherever you go during a celebration. It’s just so beautiful. I guess that’s the answer for my question.

Okay… my final conclusion, I’m weird. XD

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When I wrote this, I realise something really important. My writing is getting worst! I'm not fully satisfy with this  >w<