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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A bigger ‘Get over’

24th August 2010
By May Ling.

Life isn’t fair, get over it. Does this sound familiar to you?
Whenever I’m depressed because things does not goes the way I want it to be, I use to just comfort myself with this quote. It’s true that life isn’t fair and I used to just leave it behind and get over with it.

Recently, I have encounter things that I never thought it would happen and it hit me hard. I was homesick and when I finally get over the homesick, it came, haunting me again when I least expect it. I had never cried that much in my entire life until now. First it was homesick, and then it was this betrayal I felt.

I guess it’s time for a bigger ‘get over’ time. I might be alone this time and this might be the cause for the emotional I went through but I shall stay strong, even if I’m now alone. And this time, I will try my best to fight for myself again. It might be a small step but I hope it will make a different.

Perhaps you might think I’m selfish and skeptical but the truth is, we live in a different cube and our way of thinking is so different that I had never realized it until recently.

All I’m hoping now is that I’m the one that is thinking too much. And that this will be over soon and it was all just a dream but I know part of it would not happen, especially the dream part. After all, this isn’t Inception where you can just woke up from your dream and everything just poof or just get someone into your brain and plant the idea of all of this things never happen in your dream. Well, since this isn’t Inception, all I could do now is stay strong and be positive and take a little step at a time.

----- THE END -----

PS: Comments and critics are welcome. 


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